Strategic Directions 2022-2025
Rexdale CHC is proud to share the Strategic Directions that will guide us through 2022-2025

Pandemic recovery & renewal
As a high priority community, we maximize resources and collaborations, to take on systemic and situational issues that impact pandemic recovery. We appreciate our community’s resiliency and build on our collective strengths to support individuals and families regain their sense of well-being.
Access to safe, high-quality services
We listen carefully to learn what’s important to our community members and offer innovative solutions to meet their health and wellness needs. Physical and emotional safety are at the core of everything we do. Equitable access o mental health support is a top priority. Our teams work together to provide integrated programs and services that address the social determinants of health, and consistently link clients to quality care.

Strong teams
We invest in creating a healthy workplace for our employees and volunteers. We build powerful, agile, skilled teams who are well-positioned to take on complex situations while managing their own health. Together with our partners, we seek viable solutions to system-wide health human resources challenges.
Powerful partnerships & advocacy
We contribute to health system transformation through collaborations designed to have the greatest impact while making the best use of system resources. We intentionally and boldly advocate for solutions that tackle the most pressing health and social inequities in our community.
Organizational excellence and resiliency
We start to plan for future expansion. We improve internal processes and responsibly manage risk so that we continue to be in a strong position to meet changing community needs. We enhance our digital health capacity.