Family Information
Apotex announces launch of the Apotex Global Health Access Fund
Apotex announces launch of the Apotex Global Health Access Fund and the grants first recipient Rexdale Community Health Centre: $250,000 in annual funding for 3 years.
Primary Care:
You can now Book an appointment online with your doctor or nurse practitioner by clicking here.
Chronic Diseases Management (Foot Care Specialist, Physiotherapist, Diabetes and Nutrition Program):
Click here to book appointment with your Foot Care Specialist “Chiropodist”, Physiotherapist, Dietitian/Nutritionist.
Client Support Worker:
Click here to book appointment with your Client Support Worker “CSW”.
Northwest Toronto Vaccine Initiative:
The North Toronto Vaccine Initiative (NTVI) is funded by Public Health Agency of Canada. Project aims to improve vaccine adoption by the racialized population in northwest Toronto, and in particular among Black residents. NTVI will reflect the broad diversity of these communities through the individuals and groups involved in the development of the programs, and the ambassadors who support our communications and outreach. NTVI goals and objectives are to build a capacity for evidence-based vaccination communication and provide community-based COVID-19 education.
COVID-19 Vaccines:
For more information about vaccines, please click here or call COVID-19 Vaccine clinic hotline number 647-213-1835.Eligibility Criteria for COVID-19 PCR Testing in Ontario
Eligibility Criteria for COVID-19 PCR Testing in Ontario
Prioritization for Molecular Testing for COVID-19 Infection (Effective January 13th 2022 Ontario Health).
Please see more details by clicking the link here: Updated Eligibility for PCR Testing and Case and Contact Management Guidance in Ontario | Ontario Newsroom
ALERT! Please see the following alert for accessing services. Thank you.
ATTENTION ALL CLIENTS AND FAMILIES: Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, we would like you to help stop the spread of infection. Please do not visit the centre if you have any symptoms of cough, fever, sore throat and/ or runny nose. The 222 Dixon is open for diabetic and chiropody patients only by Appointment and 21 Panorama Court open for Toronto Public Health Dental Clinic and COVID testing Monday to Friday by Appointment only. We will be continuing our care to you over the phone, NO WALK-IN APPOINTMENT. If you have any question and concerns, please call the MAIN OFFICE at 416-744-0066. We will assist you. Stay home, stay safe.

Apotex announces launch of the Apotex Global Health Access Fund
{:en}Apotex announces launch of the Apotex Global...
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