RCHC Membership Drive 2024-2025
Rexdale Community Health Centre “RCHC” is running its 2024 – 2025 membership Drive before the Annual General Meeting 2024, below are more details, as per RCHC By-laws.
Membership in the Centre is a tangible expression of concern and participation in the good management of the Centre regarding the pursuit of purposes stated in Article 5. Membership is a deliberate act that encourages the active participation of people who use the Centre, live in the Area, and others who support the purpose of the Centre to fulfill the objective of community control.
Class of Members:
All members shall be voting members.
Rights of Members:

to Vote at Annual and General Meetings;

to be eligible to be elected as Director;

to receive newsletters, bulletins, and notices of special events at the Centre; and,

to have access to minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors
Eligibility for Membership:
All persons who subscribe to the purpose and mission statement of the Centre as defined shall be considered eligible to hold membership in the Centre. A member is defined as a member in good standing if he/she meets all the conditions for membership as outlined herein Article 6.
An applicant for membership must be eighteen (18) years of age or older, not be an undischarged bankrupt or a mentally incompetent person. Employees of the Centre are not eligible for admission as members of the Centre. Former employees are eligible for membership two (2) years after the date they are no longer an employee of the Centre. An applicant for membership becomes a member with all the privileges therein once a properly completed application form is received by the Secretary and approved by the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting
A membership fee may be instituted by a majority vote at a duly constituted meeting of the Board of Directors. The majority of the members should reside or work in the Area.
Term of Membership:
Every applicant whose application for membership has been accepted becomes a member of the Corporation on the date when his/her membership is approved by the Board and ends after the AGM.
Voting Rights of Members:
Any person who has been a member of the Centre for at least sixty (60) days before an Annual or General Meeting shall have one (1) vote at the Annual or General Meeting.
Register of Members:
A register of all members shall be kept and maintained at the Head Office.
Membership Termination:
The interest of a Member in the Centre is not transferable and lapses and ceases to exist:
- Upon death, resignation, or termination of the Member;
- When the Member’s period of membership expires and is not renewed;
- When the Member ceases to be a Member by resignation or otherwise following the by-law; or
- Upon dissolution of the Centre.
Membership may be refused, suspended, or terminated by the Board for sufficient cause as determined by a simple majority vote of the Board acting in its sole discretion, subject to paragraph “c” below. Sufficient cause includes but is not limited to conduct that is injurious to the Centre’s interests or is inconsistent with the Centre’s purpose and mission statement.
Any dispute regarding eligibility for or termination of membership shall be decided by a majority vote at a duly constituted meeting of the members.
To become an RCHC member, please fill out the Membership Application. For more information, contact:
- Salimata Kone
- Tel: 416-744-0066 ext.2356
- email: salimata.kone@rexdalechc.com
RCHC Call for Nomination 2025
– Call for nomination Letter
– Board Profile Assessment Survey Form
RCHC Annual General Meeting (2025 upcoming..)